44 Countries Will Gather In El Salvador With Bitcoin As The Currency To Talk 'Bitcoin'



44 Countries Will Gather In El Salvador With Bitcoin As The Currency To Talk 'Bitcoin'

El Salvador Başkanı Nayib Bukele Bitcoin 


Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, the first country to accept Bitcoin as its official currency, made a remarkable statement. Bukele announced that tomorrow, 44 countries will come together and talk about Bitcoin.

One of the names we talked to the most in the past periods was the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele . Bukele, who accepted Bitcoin, which has become the most discussed investment tool in recent years, as the official currency , broke new ground in the world. Bukele's latest statement suggests that the number of countries using Bitcoin as their official currency may increase .

Nayib Bukele, who tweeted in the past hours, announced that an important meeting will be held tomorrow with the participation of 44 countries . According to Bukele's statement, the participants will discuss finance, "bankless banking", Bitcoin, the digital economy and the benefits of Bitcoin for El Salvador

Which are the 44 countries going to El Salvador? Is he going to Turkey?


In the statements made by Nayib Bukele, it was also mentioned which of the 44 countries in question were . In this context; We see that the participating countries are among the developing countries such as Turkey. However , Turkey will not attend this meeting .

According to Nayib Bukele, 32 of the 44 countries going to El Salvador will send their representatives from the Central Bank and 12 from the financial authorities. So which are these countries?


Some of the countries that will attend the meeting in El Salvador:


  • Sao Tome
  • Paraguay
  • Angola
  • Ghana
  • Namibia
  • Uganda
  • Guinea
  • Madagascar
  • Haiti
  • Burundi
  • Esvatini
  • Jordan
  • Gambia
  • Honduras
  • Maldives
  • Rwanda
  • Nepal
  • Kenya
  • Pakistan
  • Costa Rica
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Sweetcorn
  • Jordan
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal
  • Dominican Republic
  • Mauritania
  • Congo
  • Armenia
  • Bangladesh




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