One of China's Top Universities Steps into the Metaverse



One of China's Top Universities Steps into the Metaverse

The Communication University of China, one of the largest universities in China, established its physical campus as a virtual university on Baidu's XiRang platform, becoming the country's first academic institution to join the metaverse.

The Communication University of China announced last week that the digital campus is hosting an anniversary celebration and awards ceremony jointly organized by people, both virtual and physical, on December 26. Metaverse visitors can navigate the university's virtual campus, which has trained generations of Chinese journalists and broadcasters, by wearing VR devices or via mobile phones and PCs.

Meaning “land of hope,” XiRang is a non-blockchain online metaverse platform developed by internet giant Baidu, which was launched in December.

Virtual universities continue to grow in popularity during the pandemic, as tech giant Meta (formerly Facebook) pledged to build 10 digitized college campuses this year in partnership with VR headset maker VictoryXR.

Also, Stanford University opened its first VR classroom last November to allow for distance learning and interaction.

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